- removes (blue) algae, eutrophied water, particles and sludge
- efficiency on a small surface
- decentral operation
- no infrastructural changes needed
- silent and strong pump with low energy consumption
- gravitation separation
- lammelae filter
- helophyte filter
- fosfor and nitrogen adsorbents cartidges
- UV-light
- effluent airation with venturi
- weight: >2700kg
- Dimentions: 2,50 *2,50 * 1,40 meters min water depth 1,30 m (other dimentions also available)

Brightwater Company purifies water with a simple and effective method: the floating and modular helophyte filter. Lamella filters, plants, bacteria, and effective nutrient adsorbent, UV light and oxygen, do the purifying work.
The floating wedland or helofyte filters are equipped with a cartrige system in which various natural adsorbents have been processed. The adsorbents pick up an excess of nutrients and heavy metals from the water quickly. In this manner it is even possible, or to regenerate or re-use the phosphate.
This environmentally friendly method has a higher flow rate, large filtering effect among other blue-green algae and is more effective than other surface water treatment plants such as wetlands or natural banks. Another unique feature is the small area that is required to treat the surface water, and that subsequently a further floating happened in the water this whole process. The method is held against the light, provide advice and tested by reputable parties. Extensive research shows that the method purifies water arguably, filters and blue-green algae can occur. The filter makes water livable, environmentally healthy, also acts as a natural shoreline and biodiversity amplifier. With these features the marsh plants filter contributes successfully to the achievement of objectives of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The marsh plants filter of Bright Water Company has many applications.